Contributions to the reconstruction of frescoes with a special prize for autistic participants

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to invite scholars and researchers in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition communities to participate in the “DAFNE: Digital Anastylosis of Frescoes challeNgE”. This is an international competition in the artistic heritage sector designed to provide virtual solutions that ultimately add to the fresco restorer’s toolkit. Specifically, the DAFNE challenge relates to ways of reassembling fresco fragments collected, photographed and catalogued after a destructive event.

Initially designed to engage people with autism in composition tasks that encouraged their inclusion in productive activities and promoted their skills, the competition was widened to embrace the application of advanced computer techniques, such as machine learning and deep learning, to the development of IT tools in this sector.

The challenge notice is available at: and online registrations are open from February 27th to May 31st 2019.


1)      A Metric award (4,000.00 EUR) for the best solution assessed on the basis of correctly reconstructed areas;

2)      An Inclusion award (2,000.00 EUR) reserved for people with autism;

3)      A High Tech award (2,000.00 EUR) for the most innovative high tech solution.

We hope that this initiative will arouse your interest. Please consider contributing to it and/or forwarding this email to appropriate groups. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Best regards,

Virginio Cantoni

Department of Industrial Engineering and Computer Science
Via A. Ferrata, 3
27100 Pavia, Italy
Tel +39 0382 985358
Fax +39 0382 985373